The Blastculture remixes
by Aerologic
28 September 2015 House
Blastculture takes on remix duty in this release to bring his own unique take on two recent Aerologic tracks. First up is Escapade, which Blastculture strips down to its bare elements, blending in intricate funky house rhythms and tribal textures, deep sub-bass and snippets from the original synth pattern. For his remix of Jangle, Blastculture teases us with the original jangly riff before kicking in the beats, stripping down the sound and launching into his own deeper, pumping groove. Both remixes are, in traditional Toucan style, available for free download under Creative Commons licence.
Tracklist and downloads
Release image: Release photo by Thomas Berg on Flickr and used here under a BY-SA Creative Commons licence
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The Blastculture remixes by Aerologic is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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