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Top downloads of 2015 revealed


Happy new year! Last year we smashed our overall download record for any year with over 1.5 million downloads of all our individual tracks across the web, including downloads on other portals such as the Free Music Archive and Jamendo, so thanks to everyone who listened to or downloaded our music in 2015.
Our annual download chart for last year has been compiled and it is a fourth consecutive year on top for the ever popular Beat Doctor remix of Memories Of Thailand by Risey. There’s also no change at number 2 for Psychadelik Pedestrian’s Night Beach, but some good news for Marc Burt whose popularity in 2015 has meant remixes of Lies, Turbulence and Last Flight Home have gained 3rd, 4th and 6th positions. Redmann‘s Plasma, our top download back in 2011, was our 5th most popular track.